What Design Is And Not
Many of us know a thing or two about design; but only a few go in the right direction towards design research when starting a design project. More often than not, research is defined as a type of work outside of design, and then it becomes easy to define the act of collating evidence as something extra and find reasons not to do it. But before I delve into research, I want us to look at what design is so we can understand what it is not.
Design is an exchange of value.
You have to ask what people really need and value and if they are in-line with your goals and the value you expect to get in return, before putting anything at all into the world. As much as we know that every design conveys a message which is processed by the almighty brain, we need to understand how much value impact this message will have on the receiver. Bear in mind that anyone and everyone is a designer, but the question is what exactly does your design address? Which is why you must understand that..
Design is problem solving.
Figuring out the best way to solve problems for people requires you to take some time out to understand how most of your problems have been solved through the design of others. Simply letting go of some control and absorbing inspiration and insight.
Designers who take some time to appreciate others, gradually learn what others value, thereby creating an atmosphere to identify what they need. This exercise keeps your creative mindset fit.
Design makes anything possible;
and I mean it!.
10 years ago, I would come back home from school, then walk into the business center (cyber cafe), buy internet access time and sit infront of a desktop computer just to make a post on facebook and reply my pending messages from friends - some I never met till this day. It was the life I had then, it could only work like that, it was how things were designed. Can you imagine going through that routine at this present day and age? Did i hear you say 'lol’?....lol. The thought of it is like the thought of Saturday morning chore or perhaps something worse. Someone didn’t just think of the smart devices we have today, that person went ahead and designed them. Thank God for baba Steve for doing his Job; RIP bro!.
By now you should perceive design is just not visuals anymore but more like abstract codes that are compiled and interpreted by our brains to address a certain need.
Design is not change, so it is not constant.
A design never remains the same, it is trendy in nature and will continue to be as long as we have day and night in 24 hours.
The difference between a good designer and a great designer or a good design team and a great design team is the unattended questions that are asked through research to gather relevant evidence about a concept so that the message is conveyed properly.
“Maintaining a research mindset means realising that bias is rampant, certainty is an illusion, and any answer has a short shelf life..”
- Erika Hall
A good research question is like food, it provides the design with the proper nutrients to flourish. If you’re uncomfortable asking a few questions to attain greatness, begin to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I assume by now you have some good understanding of what design is(n’t) and why research is important to guide your process and keep your creation firm.
One more thing! Do well to leave your comment and don’t forget to clap as much as you can 😊